The Importance of Maintaining Your Switches and Outlets


Your home’s electrical system should always be in good shape. Not only does it need to safely provide power to your home, it also needs to be capable of delivering sufficient power to meet the needs of you and your family! There are only two spots where you should come into contact with your home’s electrical wiring: switches and outlets. If these become damaged, it could put you and your family at risk. To make sure that your outlets, switches, and other electrical features are working properly, call Streamline Services.

Protect Switches and Outlets

Switches and outlets are designed to protect you and your family from the electrical current they’re connected to. However, if they’re cracked or otherwise broken, they’re no longer effective — plus, they might not even function anymore. Prevent them from getting cracked, busted or broken by being extra careful when moving heavy objects like furniture.

Prevent Electrical Overloads

In addition to damage from physical force, switches and outlets can be damaged by electrical overloads. These occur when a circuit gets too much electrical current, and they’re extremely dangerous. You can prevent overloads by always plugging major appliances directly into a wall outlet.  A multi-outlet converter or extension cord should only be used as needed, so try to use power strips wisely as well.  They don’t change the amount of power being received from the outlet but can become overloaded.

Watch out for warm plates, a burning odor, or a tingling sensation when you touch them. You’ll need to find out what’s causing the damage and have it fixed right away. Since electrical matters can be extremely hazardous, it’s important to call a Streamline Services professional

Do You Need an Upgrade?

It’s important to understand that if you live in an older home, your wiring system probably isn’t geared to your household’s electricity use. The reason for this is that even as recently as 20 years ago, homes had far fewer appliances and personal electronics than we have today. If you find yourself worrying about using too many extension cords, then you probably don’t have sufficient power outlets for your needs.

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