5 Reasons to Get a Furnace Inspection in Raleigh

furnace inspection in Raleigh by Streamline Service

Furnace Inspection in Raleigh

Your Heating Experts – Streamline Services

We only have a few months until winter, so it’s time to think about our home’s heating system. Having a furnace is a good start, but yours has likely been inactive for six or more months. This means your furnace will be dusty and somewhat worn-out. To ensure your furnace will work, we suggest getting a furnace inspection for your Raleigh home. That way, you’ll know your furnace will work at its best and any issues it has are fixed.

Here are five reasons you should call Streamline Services for a furnace inspection in Raleigh:


Know if you need a replacement

Letting your furnace sit around for six months may have made it unable to work. However, you won’t know this unless you get an inspection done. Getting an inspection will let you make an informed decision on whether to replace your furnace. We suggest scheduling your inspection early this season, so you’ll have plenty of time to shop around for a new furnace.


Increased energy efficiency

The Department of Energy says about half of the average homeowner’s energy bills come from furnace usage. This percentage can be reduced via regular maintenance and inspections. All sorts of problems can hurt your furnace’s efficiency, but staying on top of your furnace’s health can help you avoid them. Well-maintained furnaces use about 30% less energy than a normal one. A furnace inspection in Raleigh will help you save energy! 


Maximize your furnace’s life

Inspections and tune-ups help major systems like your AC and furnace last as long as they can. Poorly-maintained furnaces are more energy-inefficient and have shorter lifespans than healthy furnaces. Unhealthy furnaces are much more likely to break down without warning, as well.


Cheaper than full repair jobs

It costs money to get a furnace inspection, but it costs less than having to pay to fix a broken furnace. When we inspect your furnace, we fix any small problems we find so they don’t become more serious. By doing this, we’ll save you from a sudden breakdown and an expensive repair bill.


Prevent dangerous leaks

A gas furnace can be dangerous if you don’t properly maintain it. Malfunctioning gas furnaces may release carbon monoxide, a dangerous gas that can be deadly to people and many animals. Also, house fires are a possibility if your furnace starts leaking the flammable gas used to fuel it.


What makes Streamline Services one of the area’s best heating companies?

Our company began in the 1920s. For nearly a century, we have been dedicated to keeping families in our service area comfortable and safe in their homes. If your furnace is fixable, we do everything possible to restore it to its best working condition. You can expect our furnace work to leave you feeling more comfortable and extend your furnace’s life. Call Streamline Services today to learn more about our heating services!

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