Tag: plumbing
Time to Replace? From Tank to Tankless Water Heater
Switching to a Tankless Water Heater in Raleigh Streamline Services Makes It Easy! A failing tank water heater is never a good thing. Not only will you not have hot water, but there’s the possibility of heavy water damage. If that big tank gets damaged from rust and corrosion, you’ll have quite a bit of […]
4 Benefits of a Water Purification System in North Carolina
Water Purification in North Carolina Streamline Services You probably know that the water in your home goes through a treatment plant before it reaches you. However, the treatment can’t clean everything. In addition, there’s still the possibility of that cleaner water getting contaminated on the way to your home. Even fluoride and chlorine, chemicals purposely […]
Money Saving Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year
Are you looking for ways to help protect your plumbing this winter? Harsh weather and freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on your plumbing system. Here are a few plumbing tips from Streamline that can help: Repair Leaks As the cold weather really sets in around Raleigh, it is best to check for any leaks around […]
Four Ways to Prevent Frozen Piping During the Holiday Season
Frozen piping. Two words that have the power to keep homeowners up at night. Why? Because one single occurrence of frozen pipes has the potential to do a lot of damage to your home — and your wallet. The Dangers of Frozen Pipes When you think of frozen pipes, the first thing you might think of […]
Prep Your Plumbing For Fall
As fall settles in, you may be switching out your t-shirts for sweatshirts and sandals for boots. When the weather gets cool, we do a lot to prepare. However, we often forget to prepare our home. Freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on a plumbing system that isn’t prepared properly. You may be ready for fall, […]
Signs That Your Kitchen or Bathroom Appliances Need an Upgrade
No matter how much you love your home, it can happen that you look around one day and start to wonder whether your kitchen or bathroom appliances need an upgrade. After all, if the appliances were in the home when you bought it, there are likely to be newer, better options available. The same goes […]
Does Your Kitchen or Bathroom Faucet Need To Be Replaced?
When it comes to your plumbing, you should always keep an eye out for any signs of wear and tear. If your faucets are damaged, you should call Streamline Services as soon as possible. If you’re struggling with your faucets, the problem might not have anything to do with your faucet, as your home’s plumbing is […]
Benefits of a Water Pump and Well Installation
Homeowners closer to the city receive their water from municipal plumbing and water systems. If you travel just a few miles outside of the city, it becomes more and more common for residents to have well water systems in place. Here are some of the ways that a water pump and well installation can benefit […]